A group of staff dresses in tie-dye shirts and bright sunglasses on a boardwalk in front of mountains.

Leadership Team

VOA Alaska is led by a diverse team of professionals who contribute their experience, expertise, and passion to provide quality behavioral health and support services to Alaska's youth and families.

Headshot of Aaron Osterback
Coalition Coordinator
Vice President of Strategy and Impact
Headshot of Bre Cason
Program Director, Residential (ARCH)
Headshot of Brian Emory
Administrative Operations Manager
Headshot of Carlos Diaz
Program Director, Integrated Services
Program Director, Family Services
Headshot of Jack Jajewski
Vice President of Operations
Headshot of Jack Wallen
Associate Vice President, School and Family Services
Headshot of Jamie Elkhill
Vice President, Youth and TAY Services
Headshot of Julia Luey
President & CEO
Headshot of Liz Mau, Director of Compliance and QA
Director of Quality Excellence
Headshot of Maricar Greig
Community Engagement Manager
Headshot of Parinita Shetty
Program Director, TAY Services
Headshot of Rebecca Davis
Clinical Development Director