Staff member opening door with VOA pride sticker on door and another logo in background.

Paying for Services

We believe financial challenges should not be a barrier to receiving the care you and your family needs.

Our team works with each family to ensure treatment is never delayed or paused because of an inability to pay. We believe accessing behavioral health services should never be a financial burden. No one is ever turned away due to an inability to pay for services.

VOA accepts all insurance, and we are in network for Blue Cross.

Using Medicaid? Ensure your contact information is up to date! Learn more: Medicaid Renewals: A Guide on How to Renew or Apply 

Financial Assistance Options

When you register for services, our billing team can work with you to develop a fee schedule and payment plan to best meet your family’s needs. You are never locked into a decision regarding financial options and may apply for additional financial assistance at any time.

Submitting a sliding scale fee application is the first step to exploring all the financial support options available to you.

The Sliding Fee Scale is a percentage discount applied to your account and is based on household income. There is a simple application process and income verification is required.

If the sliding fee application shows that you may qualify for Medicaid, we can connect you with VOA staff to assist you in submitting a Medicaid application.

Individuals without insurance immediately qualify for a cash discount. Additionally, you may be eligible for the Uninsured Discount if you pay in cash, or your insurance does not cover services provided by VOA Alaska.

The hardship waiver is designed to provide relief to families with account balances that they are simply unable to pay. Individuals interested in a waiver must provide a written request that explains the hardship and the percentage of funds to be forgiven.

Good Faith Estimate for Behavioral Health Items and Services

Under the federal law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for healthcare items and services. You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. 

The Good Faith Estimate shows the costs of services that are reasonably expected for the expected services to address your health care needs. The estimate is based on the information known to us when we do the estimate.  

The Good Faith Estimate does not include any unknown or unexpected costs that may arise during treatment. You could be charged more if complications or special circumstances occur. 

If you are billed for $400 more (per provider) than this Good Faith Estimate (GFE), you have the right to dispute the bill. You may contact the provider at (907) 279-9640 to let them know the billed charges are $400 higher than the GFE. You can ask them to update the bill to match the GFE, ask to negotiate the bill, or ask if there is financial assistance available. You may start a dispute resolution process with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). If you choose to use the dispute resolution process, you must start the dispute process within 120 calendar days (about 4 months) of the date on the original bill.  

For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate or the dispute process, visit or call CMS at 1-800-985-3059. 

Fees for Behavioral Health Services

The prices below are shown without any discount applied. Individual billed rates may vary. For more information on our billing process, please call (907) 279-9640 or contact us by email at We are happy to provide an estimate of anticipated charges upon request.


Billable UnitFeeProcedure Codes
Screening Tooleach


Substance Use Assessmenteach


Mental Health Assessmenteach


Integrated Behavioral Health Assessmenteach$739.0090791
Psychiatric Assessmenteach$843.0090792
Treatment Plan Development and Revieweach$203.00T1007 or H0032
Individual Psychotherapy60 min$192.0090837
Group Psychotherapy60 min$77.0090853
Family Psychotherapy with client50 min$196.0090847
Family Psychotherapy without client50 min$202.0090846
Multi Family Group Psychotherapy60 min$78.0090849
Community Recovery Support Individual15 min$32.00H2021
Community Recovery Support Group15 min$8.00H2021 HQ
Outpatient Counseling Individual (ASAM 1.0)15 min$38.00H0004
Outpatient Counseling Group (ASAM 1.0)15 min$13.00H0004 HQ
Intensive Outpatient Counseling Individual (ASAM 2.1)15 min$44.00H0004 HF
Intensive Outpatient Counseling Group (ASAM 2.1)15 min$15.00H004 HQ HF
Intensive Outpatient Perdiem Rate (ASAM 2.1)day$250.00H0015
Partial Hospitalization (ASAM 2.5)day$550.00H0035
Residential Treatment (ASAM 3.1)day$600.00H2036
Residential Treatment (ASAM 3.5)day$750.00H0019
Residential Medically Monitored High-Intensity (ASAM 3.7)day$1,000.00H0011
Medical Evaluation for Residentialeach


Intensive Case Management15 min$42.00H0023
Home Based Family Treatment15 min$36.00T1027
Crisis Intervention60 min$189.00S9484
Crisis Stabilization15 min$38.00H2011
Peer Based Crisis Services15 min$31.00H0038
Pharmacological Managementeach$213.00H2010
Medication Administrationeach


Psychological Testingeach$199.0096130
Substance Use Disorder Care Coordinationmonth$450.00

H0047 HF

Fees listed here are effective January 5, 2025.

Please visit the Alaska Department of Health and Human Services for more information about pricing transparency: Medical Provider Price Pages (

Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes are the universal language that insurance companies use to pay different providers for the same services, even if they have different names and definitions with each provider.

CPT® Copyright 2022. American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association. The CPT codes are provided ‘as is’ without warranty of any kind. The AMA specifically disclaims all liability for use or accuracy of any CPT codes.