VOA Alaska on the Mental Health Mosaics Podcast

VOA Alaska is excited and honored to participate in the Mental Health Mosaics project from Out North, which includes a podcast featuring a few members of our team.
Two people in a recording studio
Cory Farrow, Mental Health Clinician, and Zack, a young adult in VOA Alaska services, discuss houselessness and mental health on the Mental Health Mosaics podcast.
Two people in a recording studio
Cory Farrow, Mental Health Clinician, and Zack, a young adult in VOA Alaska services, discuss houselessness and mental health on the Mental Health Mosaics podcast.

IN THE MEDIA | Mental Health Mosaics

We are excited and honored to participate in Mental Health Mosaics from Out North, which is using art, journalism, and conversations to foster a deeper understanding of mental health and wellness to destigmatize conversations around mental health and provide people with the information and inspiration to drive positive change.

One component of this project is the Mental Health Mosaics Podcast, which currently features two members of our clinical mental health team and a young adult receiving VOA services. Check out the links below to listen in!

Breaking the Silence

In this first episode, you’ll hear from VOA Alaska’s own Parinita Shetty, a clinician with our School-Based Mental Health program. She joins host Anne Hillman to share her experience and expertise on cultural stigmas and having difficult conversations with not only others, but with yourself. Listen here or wherever you find your podcasts!

Houselessness and Mental Health

Zack, a young adult in our Supportive Housing program, shares his story of navigating houselessness and learning how to focus on his mental health. He joins host Anne Hillman with Cory Farrow, a Mental Health Clinician in our Supportive Housing program. Listen here or wherever you find your podcasts!